Weekend night-time installation of a temporary bridge over railroad tracks, under SBB cut-off, as part of the preparatory work for the TP3 Uplans between Tavannes and Biel on the N16 in Switzerland, for the TP3 Infra Tunnel SA – Bieri & Grisoni S.A. consortium. With the help of Gyger Levages, the 27-mm VMD temporary bridge designed and installed by LOCAPAL …
Traffic decking, EOLE worksite, RER E
LOCAPAL supplies traffic decking for the Eole construction site, RER E station, future Paris Porte Maillot station. We are responsible for the installation of the Manitou rotoscopes and aerial work platforms, which help to ensure the completeness of the station above the SNCF track via a physical separation: between the lower floors, where the SNCF train is tested, and the …
Heavy-duty decking, Marseille Saint-Charles station
LOCAPAL supplied a heavy-duty decking solution to demolish existing concrete beams and reinforce others on the top level (metro) of the Gare Saint-Charles in Marseille. This decking allows it to span the metro tracks without any intermediate support, i.e. a span of 14 ml. It consists of posts, runners, bearers and trays. The benefits? Locapal made the project feasible without …
Heavy crane boom – M10VP construction site, Paris-Austerlitz, 75 – CHANTIERS MODERNES CONSTRUCTION
To enable the construction of new housing, the M10VP project aims to cover the railroad line linking the Gare d’Austerlitz with a concrete slab of almost 10,000 m². The slab is supported on concrete beams positioned above the tracks by a Mediaco LR1600 lattice crane and LTM1750 telescopic crane. A complex project, impossible without the LOCAPAL-designed boom to spread …